Hello Choir Families,
I am writing to you this week with the wonderful aroma of super glue in the air. Some wonderful volunteers are gluing thousands of jewels onto our 6th grade dresses. Students spent the week preparing for a dance test today and did a wonderful job! I’m so impressed with their growth and dedication. Studio Singers and Sound Waves performed with XQuisite last night at the Los Al Holiday show and were amazing of course. The Soul Men will be taking the stage with Xtreme on Saturday. If you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, go check it out. It’s a great show as always!
Sixth Sense
Dresses are being bedazzled as we speak! If your daughter has not brought her dress in, please make sure she brings it Monday so we can try to get them done before break.
Sound Waves and Sixth Sense should have their character shoes in the room. They are losing participation points everyday they are not here. They all had them for the show so please make sure they bring them back if they have not yet done so. We are working very diligently to teach them to dance in them and that only comes with experience.
Soul Men, it’s time to get those black boots. If your son does not currently have black lace up boots, he will need them when we return from Winter Break. If he had them from the Newsies show he can wear the same ones for Minions.
Solo Auditions
Studio Singers had solo auditions this week for their competition shows. WOW! They are blowing my minds. We really have some wonderful musicians. The other choirs will be prepping auditions next week and will be doing auditions sometime before break. Keep practicing and reviewing at home!
Mark Your Calendars
Saturday 12 7 1:45 Soul Men perform with Xtreme
Monday 12/9 6:45 Quartet (SC) sing for City Council Meeting
Friday 12/13-6:45, 14 1:45-Nutcracker w/orchestra -Sound Check
Saturday 12/14-Rossmoor Tree Lighting-Sound Check 5:50 Rush Park
Tuesday 12/17-Board Meeting Sound Check singing 4:00
Thursday 12/19-Sugar Plum Realm-Sound Check 6:00
Friday 2/7-SCVA Vocal Jazz Festival-Sound Check
Monday 2/10-All Choir Rehearsal at Los Al High 4:00-6:00
Tuesday 2/11-Choir Concert Los Al High 6:30
Wednesday 2/12-Choir Concert Los Al High 6:30
Friday 2/14 Knott’s Berry Farm-All Choirs
Friday 2/28-Burbank Blast-Studio and Soul Men
Thursday 3/13-Xtravaganza-Studio, Sound Waves, Soul Men
Saturday 3/29-Luther Comp-Studio